With the onset of “stripping season,” orbital machines (also known as oscillating machines) become more beloved by maintenance crews. There is no comparison for their ability for chemical-free stripping (or more appropriately defined as scrubbing and re-coating) with back and forth, side-to-side motion, reaching into corners and saving an incredible amount of labor time.
In addition to scrubbing and re-coating strength, these flexible machines perform multiple maintenance tasks, including daily scrubbing, cleaning and buffing. They perform on all different types of flooring such as rubber, textured, grouted, polished stone, wood, Marmoleum, TEKNOFLOR®, VCT, terrazzo, concrete, and epoxy.
Depending on the job they are performing, orbital machines use industry standard color-coded pads to determine the abrasiveness and maintenance need. For deep scrubbing for re-coating without chemicals, a maroon EPP pad is recommended. One of our suppliers has a variety of specialty pads for use with orbitals.
Check out our TigerHawk orbital machines (20” and 28”) that feature primary and secondary vibration isolators to decrease “itchy hands” from handle vibrations. The floating head insures 100% pad contact at all times for greater efficiency and maximum results. Be sure to flip the pad after 200-300 square feet, then pressure wash for best results.
Before you jump into any major floor work, consult with one of our Cavalier experts at 888.569.0066 to assure you are using the right equipment in the right way.